Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hello my Loves!

It's frikin' December... HOLY MOLY TIME PASSES BY SO QUICKLY I SWEAR! But I have had an amazing weekend to start off the holiday season... I went to a party and UHH SO FUN <3 I can't get over it because I'm that forever alone... But whatever :) Okay well every Christmas season my parents demand a list from me and my little brother of the gifts we want to receive for Christmas so here is my list or some of it... I'M NOT SPOILED I SWEAR! i just work really hard... hahaha

1) Sologne Cross Body Bag - Louis Vuitton
Y'all have no idea how in need I am for a cross body bag, this bag is spacious but stylish and classy... NEED NEED NEED!

2) Clairisonic Mia - Yellow
My skin has always been weird... I used to have a TON of acne around my chin area while the rest of my face is clear and now my face is pretty clear however it always feels dirty and clogged to me and I think that this lovely will do just the trick! And it's in yellow...

3) Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Eden - Urban Decay
I have been so obsessed with the look of flawless skin and long lashes with a gold eyeshadow... It has honestly become my go to look I swear... I think that this NUDE primer is exactly what I need to complete the look... And the extra staying power is amazing too...

4) Large Agenda (Shorely Blue Leggy) - Lilly Pulitzer
I love agendas... They have helped me to be so organized and they are so cute to carry around so it's worth it to have one that looks good and is functional... HERE'S MY SOLUTION!

5) Medium Cosmetic Bag (Island Bloom) - Vera Bradley
There is a time in every girl's life when her current cosmetic bag can't fit all of her crap in it... God I'm spoiled... Hahaha

6) Rosebud Salve
Rosebud Salve should be in every girl's essential bag. It has a 1000x uses. From lip moisturizer to chapped hands. Amazing.

7) Michael Kors Chain Bracelet Chronograph Watch - 
Two things about me, I hate the feeling of almost being late/being late and I am always worried about time. And since I don't always have a clock everywhere I go I need one on my wrist... And a pretty one at that.

8) Bath & Body Works Candles - 
I am obsessed with nice smelling things. From my locker to my rain boots I keep them smelling nice. Plus a lot of the candles from BB&W smell super sweet and yummy... My ideal candles!

9) Chloe or Pink Sugar Perfume
I have been obsessed with these perfumes since I first smelled them but I could never decide which one to get at a store... When in doubt LET SANTA DECIDE! :)

10) Black iPhone 5 - 
The iPhone. Everyone has one but if you don't, you want one and you want it badly too... I have fallen in to that microscopic minority I just described. And trust me you guys I have waited too long for this one, it will be worth the wait though! I can't wait for my instagram to be functional again! :D

Happy December!
From Russia with love,

- A. xx

Saturday, November 24, 2012

this week and tumblr...

Hello my loves!

and HAPPY (late...) THANKSGIVING!!! :)

Well this week started off with a russian class which in my eyes is never a good way to start off the monday, or any other day for that matter... My teacher is a complete and utter bitch sweetheart... And I have two of the biggest kiss ups in the grade (just my luck, right?) Well after that was over I had Phys Ed. And I have only four girls with me in the class but to my luck they are actually pretty cool; all we do is talk about boys and get hyper so were pretty innocent... But things have been pretty normal for the time being... My friends are still weird but of course I choose to hang out with them so there is still room for debate on that topic. But all jokes aside I love them:) But you know what? The closer it gets to December the more excited I am for Christmas! I can not wait to see the glow of colored christmas lights in the living room and all of the other ever so cheesy window decals. I think the reason why every one loves the holiday season is because it is all about being with the people who truly love you. Whether that be your family or friends, they will always love you for you... And being okay with yourself makes you happy and whole. And on a totally random note I have started a tumblr... I know, I know how mainstream could I possibly be? But I actually have a little obsession with it. I think the beach pictures are to die for! (All of the locations have been added to my 'must visit' list...). But to be honest tumblr has been a pretty good tool for me... Since this year is going to be my last in HORRID UNIFORMS! :D Yes ladies and gentlemen me and thousands of other people are enduring their last year of having to wear school appropriate attire of the worst kind... But I have to admit I lost a lot a little bit of my sense of style so I get to enjoy putting it back together this summer and tumblr has come to my aid on those "WHAT THE HELL DO I WEAR" days... Thank you Tumblr! And if you want to see mine in all of it's awkwardness here it is. Enjoy!

Love always!
- A. xx

Monday, November 19, 2012


Hello my Lovelies!
Uhh, where to begin?
Am I the only one who thinks that boys get more and more complicated as we get older? You know like when you like him but he likes someone else and the someone else is in between liking him and another guy? Or when you like a guy and you don't know how he feels or subtly 'friend-zones' you... I have no clue what makes us girls so crazy for them... But I have been stuck on this guy since the year started and I'm still confused about what I should do next, you know? Whenever I'm with him he gets interested in what I'm saying and he'll carry out the conversation or try to make me laugh. But whenever I see him in the hallways he rarely says 'Hi." but he goes look at me...
Uhh boys...
Why do you make me so crazy?

Friday, November 2, 2012

OCTOBER FAVORITES! ...and an update that is way overdue...

And may I add Happy November:)

Just recently I got back from a trip to Dubai... It was fantabulous!
I guess to sum it up my family and I did nothing but eat, sleep, and go to the beach... For five straight days, it was magic.
Danita the slutty dolphin ;)
i'm not even kidding you guys...

The father and myself at dinner:)

Our lovely view 

Stunning group of jellies :)

Fierce lion fish, up in here!

Chillin' like a starfish...

Baby brother, Momma, and I :)

Indescribable glass structure in the lobby...
I think it is quite questionable as to what it is...

I hate Moscow...
Well anyways on with the favorites! 

1) Australian Gold Spray Gel SPF 8 with Instant Tanning Bronzer

Okay seriously you guys. This stuff is AMAZING! And that's coming from a person who doesn't tan easily... I love everything about this product from the smell to the packaging. This is perfect to the girls with fairer skin who don't want to look completely pale on their first day of laying out. But the downside is that the spray contraption is a pain to use sometimes. But the koala logo really just makes up for everything! hahaha!

2) Little Things - One Direction

Yeah, yeah I know the song was released in November but it is so sweet it automatically deserves a place on my October favorites list. The lyrics and vocals are gorgeous and the same goes for the lyric video. Well done boys!


3) Tumblr.
I love tumblr... I think I've already bookmarked like fifteen already... It is an awesome way to find new background pictures I've recently discovered...
Here's a list of all of the tumblrs I follow:)

4) The Geordie Shore
I love a good 'reality' show. This work of art is full of partying and all of the things your parents don't want you doing (except drugs!) ... And I just can't get enough of it. Plus the new season is premiering in three days so my social life is with be on hiatus for that time... hahaha 

I hope everyone has had a good fall so far and to everyone in the east coast, y'all are in  my prayers. 
Love always...
- A.xx

Monday, October 22, 2012


Hello my lovelies!
Today I bring you some not-so-spooky costume ideas for Halloween... And let me just tell you I am super P-U-M-P-E-D!! But first I want to say that I am so incredibly sorry that I haven't made a post in a super long time but I have been super duper busy with school lately so yeah...
So what have I been obsessed with lately? Well I bought the Project X soundtrack and I LOVE THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!!!! If you haven't listened to it yet, listen to it here:)
oh and note it is a remix by Steve Aoki which sadly is only available on the soundtrack... Hence the purchasing... Oh and Heads will Roll A-trak remix is also good... So yeah...
Here are some ideas for halloween :)

Kitty Cat... 
Everyone loves a good pussy cat costume... And I took inspiration from Cat Woman:) just finish this look off with red lipstick, slick hair, cat-eyed liner, and ears:)

Our next costume has a special place in my heart... I'm from the deep south and this is probably going to be the look I wear for halloween at my school. I would finish this look off with pigtails, a cute head band (most likely rolled up bandana...), red lips, and long lashes. Us southern girls don't need to wear make up ;)

...i wish...

Well that's it for costume ideas. I hope y'all enjoyed this post and I promise after the play is done I WILL start to post more!
Have an amazing halloween you guys!
Love always...
- A. xx

Friday, October 5, 2012


Today I bring you my newest music obsessions... These albums right here, Crazy About You by Best Coast (left) and King of the Beach by Wavves (right). I think the reason why I'm so excited about these albums is NOT because I am a crazy cat person but because they are so unique... Like, if you listen to the albums they have this surfer, cali, mellow kind of vibe to them and I LOVE IT! I stumbled upon these albums when looking at new music on Itunes... Is it just me or am I the only person who starts to click on different albums in the alternative section? Oh well... People should start doing it! And I think a reason why I really like the Best Coast album is because the vocals are sung by a girl, I guess I just have a preference for guy vocalists... But when do find a girl voice that I do genuinely like IT IS AMAZBALLS! I guess I could describe the Best Coast album as a mix of Lana Del Rey and The Beach Boys... It is a quirky combo but Ladies and Gents let me tell you, something about the slightly haunting surfer vibe really works. CUDOS TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAME UP WITH IT! I LOVE YOUR FACE! And the album on the right (King of the Beach by Wavves) is like The Beach Boys smoked a bit of somethin' somethin' right before they went in to the studio which call me crazy but I like it, A LOT. And even though it is a guy who sings the vocals *enter andrea's awkward preference here* the overall sound of the music in a way up lifts my mood and really calms me down... And I really think I can't let go of summer... You know why? I listen to stuff like this... You can never have too much summer, it just isn't possible.
I also am going to be ending each blogitty post with a quote or some random, I guess, sentence?... :)


kisses from summer land!
- A.xx

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Favorites! :)

Hello my Lovelies! :)
Today I bring you my list of September favorites... Oh september the month of Siberia, homework, and lack of sleep. The memories... But I know how cliché this sounds but September went by pretty fast; just like summer :( RIP... 

1) Green Day- 
OMGHHKP! Y'all have no idea I am in love with their new album 'UNO!' It is simply amazing! Even though it isn't as huge as American Idiot was but it satisfies my punk needs, which puts it in the number one spot... Btw, my favorite songs off the album are Carpe Diem, Nuclear Family, and Angel Blue :)

2) Kate Spade- 
This obsession has only developed this week but do you blame me?! She is a genius! 
...enough said...

3) Original Adjustable Hunter Boots in Fuchsia-
Long story short, I needed a pair of Wellies... And my friend got a pair,  I saw them and I fell in love! They are so cute and SO COMFORTABLE! ... and surprisingly warm... Plus the good thing about Hunter is that their boots come in so many colors so their's a pair or everyone :)

4) J Crew- 
I know, I know another clothing company but J Crew is pretty much prep central (besides Lilly, of course!) I haven't been in such a long time... It's pretty shameful, you guys :( hahaha but their bags and shoes are to DIE for! 

Well I hope y'alls September was a good start to fall :) 
Love always! 
- A.xx